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  • Fire Alarm Systems
  • Wired Alarm Systems
  • Wireless Alarm Systems
  • Monitored Alarm Systems
  • Unmonitored Alarm Systems


Fire Alarm System:

Different types of fire alarms range from smoke detectors to elaborate ones with full stations, control centers, and sprinkles. They may include smoke detectors, heat detectors, and manual fire alarm activation devices which are connected to the Fire Alarm Control Panel. They generally use visual and audio signals to warn the occupants of the buildings.

Wireless Alarm Systems:

In this type of alarm system, the sensors communicate with the control panel using radio frequency. If a sensor is tripped the system is alarmed by the control panel which picks up the signal and the alarm is triggered. It’s important that the sensors are connected within the range of the required frequency to obtain the signal. It is more versatile and has more mobile functionality than the wired systems.

Wired Alarm Systems:

In this system, the entire system is hard-wired into the building. Every sensor, control panel, and detector are physically connected by wires. It is a type of security system that is connected to the landline of the building. They are more reliable than wireless systems and don’t need stable internet for working. They can work very well in large areas without worrying about sensor range hence they are hard-wired. The wired systems are difficult to install and more expensive than the wireless systems.

Unmonitored Alarm Systems:

An unmonitored alarm system is not monitored by anybody remotely or in a control center. They do not alert the authorities if they tripped, rather they sound the alarm which is connected locally in the building for warning. The unmonitored  system can send some notifications to mobile if it connected to the system.

Monitored Alarm Systems:

This type of alarm system is monitored by the security team. If an alarm is tripped they are immediately alerted by the authority persons. They also alert you if the alarm is tripped. The authorities are able to see what type of alarm was triggered and get the first responds quickly.

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